Sunday 25 March 2012

10 Tech Skills Every Student Should Have

After reading this article I do believe I hold many of these skills whether that be partially or in full.

  1. Internet Search: Is one of the first skills I did acquire.  They have been needed and perfected over the years since my first research assignment in elementary school.  I have also found them useful for everyday life, everything is on the internet now, directions recipes, dictionaries articles, things i use and need every day.  
  2. Office Suite Skills: I have partial skills in this category, I am very familiar with word documents and powerpoint presentations, I also have spent some time with excel and other programs, but I will not go so far to say that I am in any way an expert.  
  3. Self Learning of tech and where to go for help: I am familiar with finding 'Help' with technology as that has been one of the main reasons why I am as technically inclined as I am.  
  4. Typing: Do to the explosion of technology for my generation, I have been one of many who is blessed with the ability to type efficiently, giving me a large amount of time back when it comes to assignments and papers.  
  5. Social Media: I have a small social media footprint, I am on Facebook, Blogger, and Twitter, (most for this class) but I do protect myself well with privacy locks, and I keep the philosophy of 'treating Facebook and any other social cite, as a newspaper, If you wouldn't want it published in the paper then don't put it on the internet"
  6. Netiquette: I have a small understanding on writing professional emails, resumes and so forth, this is simply from what i have learnt from my father, and I am not afraid to admit I have more to learn.  
  7. Security and Safety: antivirus and spam to me all sounds of things that need to be loaded on the hard drive of my computer to be prevented.  I have security on social networking sites and i don't put up personal information i don't wish to share, although I do believe that your personal information is sometimes the price you pay for joining these sites.  
  8. Troubleshooting: I only have partial knowledge of troubleshooting and hardware.  I am no computer expert, and would definitely need professional help with glitches on my computer , however as far as wifi and connection i have taken it upon myself to make sure i understand how it works and make sure it thrives.  
  9. Backup data: I have a very cool thumb drive, which I do back up my recent and important work, and my home computer is backed up as well incase of a much larger problem.  
  10. Finding Apps and Software: depending on the search engine i am quite savy at finding apps and software.  with apple I have made much use of all that their store offers (free) but I recently acquired an Android phone which has a new set of apps and i have found it to be less user friendly.  

1 comment:

  1. I agree that every student should practice proper internet etiquette, netiquette. Furthermore, your suggestions for social media are solid. Blogger and Twitter facilitate education well.
