Monday 5 March 2012

Personal Learning Network

  1. A personal learning network is a network of professionals with whom you share knowledge and from whom you gain knowledge.  Ex Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, Blogger, 8Tracks
  2. 3 possible elements to a good PLN are;  
            1. keeping your ideas organized and clear for other readers to be able to have easy access .  
            2. having a high level of participation in conversations with other users as well as contributing thought provoking  ideas, instigating appointive pieces. 
            3. updating your PLN as frequently as possible always keeping it relevant, for other readers following you.  
  3. Having a PLN could possibly give me an edge on fellow classmates because through expanding my network through multiple search engines, i will have a larger forum to accumulate information, opinions and ideas to contribute to any self-research projects.  Having a larger social network (more people=more perspective)
  4. Potential employers may find it refreshing and innovative to have online portfolios.  It takes commitment and shows that you are proactive not only with your career start, but as well with having a good handle on future technology.   Technology is playing more of a role in the career force than ever, and you could prove to be an asset to the company.  
  5. My current ‘online footprint’ could be considered some what Employer friendly.  Although I am on several social networks, such as Facebook, myspace, 8tracks, and more recently Twitter and Blogger, many are for social and educational reasons not professional uses.  That being said I have used my social networks to communicate with my current employers, and have found it very helpful.  It makes for easy connecting as well as staying up to date with all of the companies promotions.   I think that once i have completed my post secondary education and become closer to joining the career force, I should be making some changes to my online footprint.  But until then I treat my social networks like a newspaper; if you wouldn't want it printed on the front page of the news paper then don't publish it on the internet, no matter what your privacy settings are.  

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