Wednesday 11 April 2012

iTunesU post1

During this course I have used several different types of learning materials 
which I have never used before in my four years of High school.  
Several of the courses I have taken have been structured to 
be an old school fashioned classroom where the teacher lectures,
 and then given you a stack of reading with comprehension questions.. 

In a large contrast to this style is utilizing several different sources of learning such as Youtube, Khan Academy, as well as communicating through multiple social networks such as twitter and blogger.                                                    

I do think that all of these different learning resources, have their place in schools, as they bring in a different approach to learning which appeal to students with a heavier reliance to that learning style.  But just as the visual and audio learning needs to be more frequently introduced into the curriculum , it needs to be balanced with note taking as well as lecture, and hands on activities.  All learning styles need to be touched upon in order to be able to have a classroom which accommodates all students.

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