Wednesday 11 April 2012

iTunesU Post3

For the iTunes U course I chose Animal Behaviour MIT by Professor Gerald Schneider.  I chose this course because it falls under exactly what I wish to follow in my post-secondary education.  I work in a Veterinary office because I love animals and wish to involve myself in the industry as much as possible, but there is a large difference between animal biology/animal science and animal behaviour.  This course showed that difference as it focused much more on the attitudes, the body language and the moments of animals and what all of them put together are meant to translate.

I did find the course very informative, and I was able to continue listening because it was a subject in which I genuinely have an interest in learning about, although I did find the recording of pour quality, with lots of background noise.  As well, I found when students would ask questions in the recording you were unable to make out what was said, and therefore could not take away as much as possible from the answer.  I do think that I will finish the courses lectures and possibly listen to others, that being said in the future I will look to find ones with much better quality as well as a speaker whom captures your attention with his presentation abilities.  I understand that these requirements will make it much more difficult to find courses, but I do think that if the visual aspect of teaching is going to be taken removed, without anything to distract my eye, the audio should be able to hold my whole attention.  

1 comment:

  1. Nice use of technology in this post - the next one about student loans, hits home, too. I'm 42 and still paying it off. Srsly.
