Wednesday 11 April 2012

iTunesU post2

The idea behind all of the online university and college courses such as the ItunesU courses, is without a doubt considered forward looking in the field of education.  There are several advantages for all parties taking part in it including The school Supplying the courses, The teachers teaching the courses and the students who have the courses available to them.

For teachers involved in this type of forward teaching, they are finally able to more effectively learn from their fellow colleagues.  Now that teachers lectures are online, the teachers are able to view techniques of  other professors, allowing them to tweak their own style, therefore allowing all of the university staff the improve simply by having a camera set up in each of their rooms.

This proves to be a very painless, convenient and cost effective way for universities to continue training for their professors.  Universities and colleges, also create a larger plain for students to attend their school, as well as show case their professors in order to attract more students to their school.  To simply record a lecture of a professor whom the school has already paid, the school is getting a lot more bang for their buck.

For students this approach to learning is the most accommodating to a society which is addicted to convenience.  Whether you are a who student wishes to not physically attend school to save cost on education, or a mature student in need of a teaching system which will accommodate a more developed life, whether that may be a family or a career, this style works.  These courses allow for everyone to get the same quality of learning, in a way where the school fits their life rather than them changing their life to fit a schools rigid schedule.

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